

The vegetation of the Robberg Coastal Corridor is characterised by Fynbos with thicket and forest elements with the last prevalent in kloofs and at the bases of coastal cliffs that are protected from fire. According to the identification of Vegetation of South Africa by Mucina and Rutherford, two vegetation types are found in the area:

  • South Outeniqua Sandstone Fynbos
  • Southern Afro-temperate Forest


South Outeniqua Sandstone Fynbos consists mainly of tall, open to medium dense Proteoid and Restioid Fynbos shrubland and has been classified as Vulnerable. The RCCPE contains ± 338 ha of this vegetation type that contributes 0.9 % to the conservation target for this vegetation type.


Southern Afro-temperate Forest mainly consists of tall forest tree species with a well-developed herb layer. The conservation status is listed as Least Concern and the RCCPE contains ± 30 ha of this vegetation type. This contributes 0.1 % to its conservation target.


Vlok et al. (2008) further described five habitat variants on a 1:50 000 scale for the Garden Route area of the Southern Cape (Figure below). The representation of some of these units in formally conserved areas managed by SANParks and CapeNature is limited. The RCCPE will however make a major contribution towards expanding the area under which certain of these units will be protected.

Over 150 plant species have been identified in the RCCPE. Rare plant species found in the area include Acmadenia alternifolia (Endangered), Selago villicaulis (Vulnerable), Muraltia knysnaensis (Endangered) and a new as yet undescribed species Wahlenbergia. Too a limited extent it also includes important tree species such as Curtisia dentata (Near Threatened) and Rapanea melanophloeos (Declining).

There is a possibility that Acrolophia barbata and Disa hallackii (both endangered) may also occur in the area but these species still need to be identified. Fire is a main driver of the vegetation units in the area and most of it is exposed to periodic fires. However, some patches of vegetation are moribund and at least 45 years old and are in need of fire. Plant populations are viable as long as the vegetation is properly managed in terms of fires and invasive alien plants are kept under control.


No mega-herbivores are found in the area however, antelope that include Cape Grysbok (Raphicerus melanotis) and Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) are found. Chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) and Vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) represent the Primates. The most notable carnivores include Caracal (Caracal caracal), Small-spotted genet (Genetta genetta) and the generalist carnivore Honeybadger (Mellivora capensis).

In addition, the African clawless otter (Aonyx capensis) have been observed along the coast below Cairnbrogie. Leopard (Panthera pardus) had been recorded on neighbouring properties and it is likely they will occupy habitat in the RCCPE from time to time. Porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) are the most notable rodents to occur in the area. Bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) is the only representative of the family SUIDAE.


Provisional distribution data from the current South African Bird Atlas Project 2 administered by the Animal Demography Unit at the University of Cape Town has shown that 109 bird species have been identified in the two 5 x 5 minute pentads 3405_2315 and 3405_2320. This not only includes terrestrial and waterfowl, but also marine shorebirds.


Currently no data is available on the amphibian and reptile species occurring in the area. However, snakes such as Puffadders and Boomslangs have been encountered by landowners, as well as various species of frogs.


It is unknown what invertebrates species occur in the area and more information is required.


No information on aquatic organisms is available for this area and information is required on species occurring in the area.